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2. Course Title: Cannabis Horticulture: From Seed to Harvest

  • 8 Weeks
  • 90 Steps
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.


Cannabis Horticulture Course Goals: To provide students with a solid understanding of cannabis horticulture, including plant biology, growth cycles, and cultivation techniques. To introduce various methods of cannabis cultivation, both indoor and outdoor, and emphasize sustainable practices. To explore advanced topics such as breeding, genetics, and the influence of environmental factors on cannabis cultivation. To foster a positive and open-minded learning environment conducive to practical learning and critical thinking in horticulture. Assessment: Class Participation: 15% Weekly Quizzes and Assignments: 30% Midterm Exam: 20% Final Project: 25% Presentation: 10% Course Materials: Course Materials: Textbook (To be introduced in student syllabus) Supplementary readings and resources recommended throughout the course Lab equipment for hands-on cultivation sessions (provided for advanced sessions) Course Conclusion: By the end of this 7-week course, students will have gained comprehensive knowledge in cannabis horticulture, including plant anatomy, growth optimization, and cultivation techniques. This course provides a strong foundation for further exploration or entry into the cannabis industry. Important Notes: Attendance is mandatory for all sessions. All assignments and exams must be completed to receive credit. Refer to the official course materials and resources for additional readings and research.

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Master Cannabis Science Certification

Master Cannabis Science Certification

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